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Queen City CrossFit


March 29, 2025

Queen City CrossFit | Workout of the Day: Saturday, 3.29.25

Eva Strong

- RX -
5 rounds for time with a partner:
24 double-unders
19 toes-to-bars
2 clean and jerks (135/205 lb)
400-m run
- Both partners perform 24 double-unders; share the toes-to-bar and clean and jerk reps as desired; complete the run together.

5 rounds for time with a partner:
24 double-unders
19 toes-to-bars
2 clean and jerks (105/155 lb)
400-m run
- Share the double-under, toes-to-bar, and clean and jerk reps as desired; complete the run together.

5 rounds for time with a partner:
24 single-unders
19 knees-above-hips
2 clean and jerks (35/45 lb)
400-m run
- Share all work evenly.

- MASTERS 55+ -
5 rounds for time with a partner:
24 double-unders
19 toes-to-bars
2 clean and jerks (105/155 lb)
400-m run
- Both partners perform 24 double-unders; share the toes-to-bar and clean and jerk reps as desired; complete the run together.

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