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Queen City CrossFit


June 23, 2024

Saturday, 6.29.24

Operation Red Wings

For time:

- RX -
For time with a partner:
Run 1,200 m

16 rounds of:
8 toes-to-bars
8 burpee box jumps (20/24 in)

47 goblet squats (53/70 lb)

- Run together.
- Split all other work evenly with one person working at a time.
- One partner completes a full round of the couplet before switching.

For time with a partner:
Run 1,200 m

16 rounds of:
8 knees-to-chests
6 burpee box jumps (20/24 in)

47 goblet squats (35/53 lb)

- Run together.
- Split all other work evenly with one person working at a time.
- One partner completes a full round of the couplet before switching.

For time with a partner:
Run 1,200 m

10 rounds of:
8 hanging knee raises
6 burpee box jumps (12 in)

47 goblet squats (18/26 lb)

- Run together.
- Split all other work evenly with one person working at a time.
- One partner completes a full round of the couplet before switching.

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