"Holy Hot Cheeks, Batman!"
For reps:
- RX -
For reps:
3:00 max-cal row
3:00 max-distance handstand walk
3:00 max-cal bike
3:00 rest
3:00 max-cal bike
3:00 max-distance handstand walk
3:00 max-cal row
- 5 feet of handstand walking is 1 rep.
For reps:
3:00 max-cal row
3:00 max-attempt wall kick-ups
3:00 max-cal bike
3:00 rest
3:00 max-cal bike
3:00 max-attempt wall kick-ups
3:00 max-cal row
- Each kick-up is 1 rep.
For reps:
3:00 max-cal row
3:00 max-distance bear crawl
3:00 max-cal bike
3:00 rest
3:00 max-cal bike
3:00 max-distance bear crawl
3:00 max-cal row
- 5 feet of bear crawl walking is 1 rep.
- MASTERS 55+ -
For reps:
3:00 max-cal row
3:00 max-distance double-DB overhead carry (20/35 lb)
3:00 max-cal bike
3:00 rest
3:00 max-cal bike
3:00 max-distance double-DB overhead carry (20/35 lb)
3:00 max-cal row
- 5 feet of overhead carrying is 1 rep.